Bessie Tripatzis – Manager Leadership Programs, People and Culture – Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees

Johnathan is a passionate presenter who was able to articulate his ideas with the group of graduates in the superannuation industry by sharing his wealth of knowledge and experiences about personal branding strategies. He presents in an engaging style, clearly expressing the finer points of how to market the story...

Katharine Knight – Digital Marketing and Communications Specialist

Prior to working with John, I found it difficult to articulate my broad range of skills and varied work experience. I felt frustrated that I didn't fit in a particular bucket or job role and found it oddly very hard to explain what I'm good at.   After an initial consultation, John...

Shaegan Vishal – Fire Protection Engineer

Returning to Melbourne after graduation and travelling I found myself amid what all graduates find themselves, job hunting. Through some happenstance and sheer good fortune, I found myself attending one of Johnathan’s seminars on personal branding and it has been a game changer for me.   Prior to enlisting Johnathan’s, I had...

Robyn Johnstone – Digital Product Manager and UX Designer

Before working with Johnathan, I struggled to clearly state what I did at work. While I felt confident I could do my job, I couldn’t clearly and confidently state what title I should have. Every description became a long winded jumbled description of tasks I completed. Often these descriptions were...

Ritesh Mulliah – Technical Solutions Specialist

When I met Johnathan, I was an overseas technology professional, with experience in Project Management, Business Development and Business Strategy. At the time, I found the Melbourne job market quite challenging to penetrate and after numerous unsuccessful attempts, I settled for a couple of business operations roles instead. Although I...

Maidy McDonald – Senior Technical Business Analyst

I find myself lucky to have crossed paths with Johnathan when I hit a fork in the road of my career. Our one-on-one sessions in the Road to Epic Programme has tremendously helped me appreciate myself more and I have gained greater confidence in what I am and what I...

Angela Miller – Customer Experience Lead

Hey Johnathan, I wanted to let you know that I have had a couple of job interviews since we worked together and you produced my branding document. This document has become my go to morale booster before I enter a room and 'sell' myself at interview. It of course reminds...

Maraya Bula – Communications and Business Development Strategist

I was introduced to Johnathan through his workshops at General Assembly. I had just moved from California and I needed help developing my professional brand further to transition myself into the Australian job market. I was excited to work with him from the beginning because of his expertise and enthusiasm...