Johnathan is a passionate presenter who was able to articulate his ideas with the group of graduates in the superannuation industry by sharing his wealth of knowledge and experiences about personal branding strategies. He presents in an engaging style, clearly expressing the finer points of how to market the story of yourself.


The content delivered to the graduates was relevant and informative. Johnathan included a presentation on Personal Branding, followed by hands-on, interactive exercises which challenged the graduates to develop their Professional Identity. The session culminated with each of the graduates tasked with delivering their own Elevator Pitch.


The graduates thoroughly enjoyed the session as Johnathan was able to generate ideas on ways for the participants to consider how they were going to promote themselves in their careers moving forward. He also captivated his audience by sharing relevant stories, connecting them to learning points important to the audience based on the presentation content.


The biggest takeaway that graduates received from the presentation is that they must invest the time in understanding who they are, what their specialization is and how to promote their professional label.


Johnathan comes highly recommended as he is a skilled presenter. He speaks with enthusiasm and passion to his audience, effortlessly connecting to them whilst delivering a relevant pitch.