Category: Personal Branding Strategies Comments: 0 0

Generation-X – the often-overlooked, neglected middle-child stuck between the Boomers and Millennials.

Gen-Xers have been in the workplace a long time now, so they have many accomplishments under their belts. They can more easily define what makes them unique and valuable and what they would like to be known for.

But, typically Gen-Xers aren’t so good at sticking out. They’re not as comfortable as Millennials at self-promotion and as a result, struggle for visibility and to be heard. This often leads to career stagnation.

As a Gen-X, you’re probably in that ‘mid-career’ phase and so it’s time to really put your Personal Brand to work so you can reap the rewards! In fact, you already have a brand (whether you realise it or not) but does it really represent you for your current career stage or is it time for a brand refresh or full overhaul.

Here are 4 crucial questions to help you evaluate your current Personal Brand:


1. What is the purpose of my brand?

A solid brand allows you to effectively leverage off it to enhance your career and attract opportunities. You need to decide then exactly what you want you brand to achieve for you and ensure it is aligned to your career goals.


2. What is my brand positioning?

A great brand effectively positions you in the market. By this stage in your career you may have already established yourself (or working towards it) as an expert and leader in your field. Your brand needs to clearly reflect that, including what sets you apart and the space you claim.

Do people see you as a jack-of-all trades or a specialist in your field?


3. Does my brand communicate my value?

Communicating the value you bring to an organisation or client can always be a challenge, especially if you don’t fully understand your brand. An easy way to help you figure out your value is to define the problems you can help businesses solve and what impact your experience and capabilities can have on their organisation. Remember, at this senior level of your career, you are not just another employee, you’re a solution to the problems businesses have.


4. Does my brand have a compelling story?

Your brand story needs to effectively communicate your professional identity including who and what you are, your areas of expertise and what makes you valuable. When you can communicate that with confidence and clarity, you have the competitive edge.

Remember, a vague brand story could mean you’re underselling yourself and missing out on great career opportunities.


As a Gen-X, you need to raise your voice and claim your space. You have worked hard for this but you do it quietly, slogging away in the back, while the Millennials and Boomers hog the limelight.

Understanding your professional identity and then building a strong Personal Brand around it, is a sure-fire way to raising your profile, getting your voice heard, claiming your domain and being recognised for your valuable experience and expertise.


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