Returning to Melbourne after graduation and travelling I found myself amid what all graduates find themselves, job hunting. Through some happenstance and sheer good fortune, I found myself attending one of Johnathan’s seminars on personal branding and it has been a game changer for me.
Prior to enlisting Johnathan’s, I had been doing what 95% of job seekers do with the conveyor belt application process. Applications flying out of my email and LinkedIn without much scope or targeting. It felt quite debilitating and extremely frustrating.
Johnathan’s prior experience in recruitment and his transparency changed the entire process. I won’t say I suddenly found myself loving the job hunting but it finally made more sense how I would be targeting myself towards employment opportunities.
The nature of our interaction was through his seminars, 5 in total taking you through each step of not only job hunting but building your personal brand through the process to make oneself unique. I would highly recommend attending the seminars twice. On top of that, we had multiple one on one sessions. Here, is where Johnathan shines.
He listens intently and is able to quickly capture who you want to be in your world, summing it up succinctly and in a way, one might not have thought of before. Through our discussions we removed verbal clutter on my CV and cover letter and honed on in on the specific nature of who I want to be as a professional.
Taking Johnathan’s advice on board I ended up with a CV and Cover Letter that was lean yet substantive. My language towards jobs was utterly industry specific and in no time the number of interview call backs I was getting started to turn around. With that comes a sense of confidence and with that an ability to absolutely deliver when called upon.
In my opinion, Johnathan was vital to this. Not only does he help you attain what you want to do, but helps you discover who you want to be, all while building a unique brand that will carry you further than words will.
Through his help, I was able to accomplish my goal of securing employment in one of the world’s leading engineering consultancies. My personal brand has become much more focused and clear along with my understanding of how to brand myself not only for jobs I am suited to do but for careers I would like to achieve outside of my industry.
Thank you, Johnathan, for providing me with your undivided time, attention, transparency and help.
To anyone who wants to feel excited come Sunday evening in anticipation for Monday morning, Johnathan Maltby is your man.