Webinar: How to Create a Strong Personal Brand

FREE WEBINAR: How to Create a Strong Personal Brand to Attract Career Opportunities

In a highly competitive job market, it’s essential you have the tools to help you stand out so you can attract exciting opportunities and enjoy a fulfilling career.

Your competitive edge is a strategically created Personal Brand. Think of it as your secret weapon that can propel your career forwards.

However, if you’re not effectively leveraging off your brand, then you’re seriously missing out on what could be an amazing and rewarding career.

Great Personal Brands are memorable because they don’t blend in and get lost in the crowd of vague & mediocrity.

To grow your brand you need 3 crucial ingredients:

✔️ A well-defined professional identity (understanding of who and what we are)

✔️ A compelling brand message

✔️ A communication strategy.

This presentation is designed to help you start thinking about your Personal Brand, how you can leverage off it to grow your career as well as provide you with practical steps on how to build and communicate your Professional Identity and Brand.

Johnathan will share with you techniques and strategies that have successful helped his clients gain clarity on who they are, build their brand and attract great career opportunities. 

Johnathan will teach you how to:

📌 Create your Personal Brand in 4 steps

📌 Strategically ‘unpack’ yourself to define the 6 pillars of your Professional Identity

📌 Uncover your real value to an organisation

📌 Increase your professional self-awareness

📌 Create a compelling brand message that you can deliver with confidence and clarity

📌 Gain maximum leverage off your brand by building a name for yourself in your industry

Remember, if you’re not aware of your brand then chances are you are not in control of it, which means you are missing out on amazing career opportunities.

“I thoroughly recommend him and believe his services can provide that much needed boost to get a stagnant career moving again with gusto.” – Someek 2020

“There’s something very important about the work that Johnathan does. It’s a level of insight, expertise and empathy that only someone with extensive experience across people related industries can possess. Johnathan will help you to become clear on your goals and confident in your next future move”. Bebhinn – 2020

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23 09 20


Melbourne - AEST
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/Phoenix
  • Date: 22 09 20
  • Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Johnathan Maltby


Johnathan Maltby
+61 481 563 829