Job Seeking Strategies That Work – How to build your Personal Brand and unlock the hidden job market.

Looking for a job is never easy. It can be daunting journey and an emotional rollercoaster ride, with awesome highs but also devastating lows.

My goal is to help you take the pain out of your job search. I will be sharing strategies that you can easily implement to really take control of your job hunt (and career) and gain a fresh perspective as you pursue your new role.

If you want to maximise your job search and put yourself in the best position to land that dream role, then you need 3 key ingredients:

✔️A strong Personal Brand to help you stand out from the competition.

✔️A well-designed job seeking strategy.

✔️ The keys to unlocking the hidden job market.


This 2-part presentation event will help you set yourself up for success right from the start.


How to Create a Powerful Personal Brand

We all have a Personal Brand, whether we realise it or not! Yet how many of us are actually conscious of our brand?

If you are not aware of your brand then chances are you are not in control of it, which means you are missing out on amazing career opportunities.

Personal Branding is all about how you package and communicate who you are, what you do, your unique strengths and skills and the value you bring to an organisation. It’s about your reputation and the image you consciously or unconsciously portray about yourself. Strategic Personal Branding is vitally important if we really want our careers to be truly epic.

This presentation is designed to help you start thinking about your Personal Brand, how you can leverage off it to grow your career as well as provide you with practical steps on how to build and communicate your Professional Identity and Brand.

I am going to teach you how to:

☑️  Strategically create your Personal Brand to accelerate your career.

☑️  Leverage off your Brand to attract new career opportunities.

☑️  Position yourself as a Subject Matter Expert and how to positively influence others.

☑️  Authentically communicate your brand without sounding proud or boastful.

☑️  Remain competitive in a crowded job market.

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Job Seeking Strategies: How to Uncover the Hidden Job Market.

Uncover the hidden job market

Only 20% of jobs are advertised. That means 80% of them fly under the radar.

Most people only use the traditional methods to find new career opportunities but this often leaves them frustrated.

If you’re just using the job boards, then you’re only scratching the surface. But did you know that there are multiple ways to find a job, or better still, have those jobs come and find YOU?

In this session, I will teach you numerous, modern job-seeking techniques and strategies to help you uncover the hidden job market here in Australia, including how to:

☑️  Set yourself up for a successful job search right from the beginning.

☑️  Map out the job market, identify potential career opportunities and connect with key people.

☑️  Become VALUABLE to recruiters and how to effectively work with them.

☑️  What to say on the phone when you introduce yourself to a company.

☑️  Effectively grow your professional network that you can tap into for career opportunities.


If you are looking for your next exciting career opportunity and you’re ready to take real control of your job search, then this class is an absolute must.

Click the button below to book your place now!

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Nov 27 2019


6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Nov 27 2019
  • Time: 2:00 am - 3:30 am




Launchpad Create
122 Cremorne Street, Richmond