Hi, I’m Johnathan, a Career Coach specialising in career management strategies and personal branding.
I am an expert at ‘unpacking’ my clients, decluttering the noise in their heads and joining all the unconnected dots to give them clarity and certainty in their career direction and to best position themselves in the market.
Let’s face it, we all desire a career that gives us a sense of fulfilment, purpose and satisfaction. We want to be recognised for our expertise and value as well as being financially rewarded at the level we truly deserve.
Unfortunately, many people are stuck in jobs far below their capability, with salaries much less than what they really should be on. Too often, they lack clarity in direction and end up drifting or stagnating. This ultimately leads to frustration, a lack of motivation, low self-confidence and unhappiness.
To create a fulfilling career, you got to have a plan and a roadmap to get you there.
That’s why I created The John Maltby Strategy, a Career Mastery framework with proven techniques to empower you to consciously and strategically design and manage your career exactly the way you want to it be.
My mission is to help you find your Professional Voice, increase your professional self-awareness and confidence and give you greater certainty of career direction so that you can design and enjoy the career you truly deserve!
Strategically design a career that really
and fulfills you
Career Coaching Services

Book your free consult
Book your 45 min complimentary discovery session with me to discuss your career, including your goals, aspirations and the challenges that are holding you back from having an exciting fulfilling career.
Rest assured, this is not a sales call, though if you did want to find out how my services can help, then I would be happy to chat about them.
Even if you choose not to engage with my services, I’m still going to be giving away so much value in our session, whether it’s clarity, increased confidence or action points you can put into practise.
So, book your session now. It could be the best career decision you make this year.